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Macintosh, Mac Apps, iPhone, Steve Jobs, Apple

Has Listening To Too Much Music From Your iPod Affected Your Hearing?

by Juan on December 25th, 2007

Reading through an article in Valleywag entitled “Like it or not, Apple wants to save your ears” it made me think has listening all that time to my iPod actually affected my hearing? I thought about that coz my dad told me the other day that I watch TV too loud.

The article is saying that Apple has a patent on technology that will automatically lower the volume depending on how long you’ve been listening to loud music. It will then allow you to put the volume back up after a short rest.

That seems to be a cool solution to a very real problem. Like what was written, just because you can crank up the volume doesn’t mean you should right?

Has listening to too much music on your iPod affected your hearing? Do you like the proposed solution that Apple reportedly has for it? Or is it too intrusive? Let me know what you think..

POSTED IN: Commentaries, Juan's Posts, iPod, iPod Classic, iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle, iPod Touch, iTunes

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