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Macintosh, Mac Apps, iPhone, Steve Jobs, Apple

Apple Posts Apple TV 2.0 Guided Tour

by Juan on February 3rd, 2008

Apple has yet to release the software update for Apple TV but that hasn’t stopped Apple from putting up the guided tour ahead.

The guided tour is available in streaming format or as a download for both the iPod as well as a larger version.

Checking out the guided tour it really adds to the argument that the Apple TV 2.0 is a much better device that more people will probably give it a try. I really love the seamless integration with the iTunes Movie Rental Service. There’s only two things that suck about it right now. One, although not Apple’s fault, my broadband speed isn’t that fast that it still really takes awhile to download a movie. Two, the rental selections are still too little that you’ll probably run out of movies to watch in a month. So Apple, please release new movies soon.

Check out the guided tour here.

POSTED IN: Apple TV, Juan's Posts

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