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Macintosh, Mac Apps, iPhone, Steve Jobs, Apple

Mac Sales Up

by Juan on April 24th, 2008

Apple posted it’s second quarter results last April 23, 2008. The most notable figure for me was the fact that Mac sales are up. Apple shipped 2,289,000 units in this period equating to a 51% unit growth.

Macs are gaining market share and it has nowhere else to go but up. Macs actually represented the strongest revenue stream for Apple ahead of iPod and iPhone sales.

These facts aren’t just imaginary. I’m experiencing it first hand. I know 8 people who bought new Macs this month alone. Some of them are already Mac users and there are also new Mac users. That’s 8 people I know personally or family members of people I know. That’s saying a lot.

As time goes by more and more people are drawn to Macs because of the simplicity of OS X. It’s just easier for most people to use. Plus the cost of ownership is indeed going down.

I don’t see this as slowing down anytime soon. For the rest of the year I see that more and more people will be switching to the Mac.

Read the complete earnings press release here.

POSTED IN: Commentaries, Juan's Posts, Mac Mini, Mac OS X, Mac Pro, MacBook, MacBook Air, Macbook Pro, iMac

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