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The After Mac

MacRumors Buyers Guide

by Juan on March 29th, 2007

I’ve been thinking about getting a new MacBook Pro. Two things stopped me, I don’t have enough money yet and I was debating whether or not it was a good time to buy. I know it’s time for the MBP to get a speed or spec bump but I’ve been wanting to upgrade. Thank God I don’t have enough money now. Otherwise my impulse would have gotten the better of me.

For those who don’t watch Apple everyday like me or for those who don’t really keep track of the release dates, news and rumors, MacRumors has graciously put together a buying guide to aide us in our buying decisions. If you’re in the market for a new Mac, check it out. It might just save you the heartache when you buy a Mac and a few weeks later it has been replaced by a newer model.

Thanks MacRumors! I guess I’ll wait a few more months… Well I have no choice.

POSTED IN: Hardware, Intel, Juan's Posts, Mac Pro, MacBook, Macbook Pro, Tips, Web Sites, iBook, iMac

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