Apple and Intel: One Year After
By Juan | Related entries in Juan's PostsIt’s been a year since Steve Jobs announced Apple’s transition to the Intel platform. Macworld has an interesting article on how the transition has been so far.
My personal take on this is that Apple has indeed done a good job. From a consumer standpoint there’s been little headache adapting to the Intel platform. Although I don’t personally use an Intel Mac I’ve had some experience with it since we have a MacBook here in the office. So far most of the software that we use for work has performed flawlessly.
I am however sad that it’s taking a long time for Adobe to release universal binaries for it’s Creative Suite. That’s one of the big factors why I haven’t upgraded to an Intel Mac. The only bigger reason is that… well I don’t have money yet…
The first half of this year has been good. We’ve seen the iMac, MacBook Pros, Mac Mini and the MacBook. All fantastic products. I’m excited to see what the next half of the year brings.
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