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The After Mac

A New Version of Gmail for the iPhone/iPod Touch

by Juan on January 15th, 2008

Let’s take a short break from the MacWorld hoopla and bring you some other news. Google has just released a new mobile version of Gmail for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Google has improved the user interface and experience of Gmail by using AJAX technology. This means that Gmail should be more responsive on your iPhone. New features include pre-fetching and auto-complete.

Gmail will pre-load your most recent images. This will improve load time of your recent messages. Accessing them is much much quicker.

Auto-complete is another new feature that Google added. Now entering email addresses is a few key strokes away. According to Google, most email addresses in your Gmail should be 2 to 3 keystrokes away.

Now I don’t have an iPhone of iPod Touch yet but I have been using Gmail on my mobile phone. I can say that the Gmail app on my phone is nowhere near as good as this. At least on paper or from the screenshots that I’ve seen. The new Gmail looks really cool and I’m hoping to get to try this out soon.

Check out the entry at the official Gmail blog.

POSTED IN: Apps, Google, Juan's Posts

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